Uzbek Verbs

If you're trying to learn Uzbek Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Uzbek grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Uzbek. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Uzbek Verbs

Learning the Uzbek Verbs is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Uzbek language. But first we need to know what the role of Verbs is in the structure of the grammar in Uzbek.

Uzbek verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Grammar Tips:

-       Present Tense

In Uzbek, present tense is formed according to the following rule:

Verb-moq (ending of the indefinite form) + yap + personal endings. For example the verb qilmoq (do): qil-moq=qil + yap + personal endings:

Men (I) qilyapman (am doing)                       Biz (we) qilyapmiz (are doing)

Sen (you) qilyapsan  (are doing)                  Siz (you) qilyapsiz (are doing)

U (he, she, it)   qilyapti   (is doing)               Ular (they) qilyaptilar (are doing)

These endings can help you a lot, because with them you can conjugate most of verbs into the present tense, you only need the stem of the verb, for example the stem of (o’ynamoq: to play) is (o’yna).


-       Past Tense

In Uzbek as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. The endings for the past tense verbs are:

Men (I) qildim (did)                       Biz (we) qildik (did)

Sen (you) qilding  (did)                Siz (you) qildingiz (did)

U (he, she, it)   qildi   (did)            Ular (they) qildilar (did)

So just take any verb stem and add it to the endings above, for example our previous verb o’ynamoq (to play), its stem is “o’yna”, plus the endings above becomes Men o’ynadim (I played).


-       Future Tense

Forming of the future in Uzbek is very easy. If the stem of the verb ends in –a, then –y is added after that –a, and the personal endings. If the stem of the verb ends in other letter, you use –a, and then the personal endings.


Men (I) qilaman, ishlayman (will do; will work)                Biz (we) qilamiz ishlaymiz (will do; will work)

Sen (you) qilasan  ishlaysan (will do; will work)             Siz (you) qilasiz ishlaysiz (will do; will work)

U (he, she, it)   qiladi   ishlaydi (will do; will work)           Ular (they) qiladilar ishlaydilar (will do; will work)

Here are some examples:

English VerbsUzbek Verbs
PastO'tgan zamon
I spokeMen gapirdim
I wroteMen yozdim
I droveMen haydadim
I lovedMen sevdim
I gaveMen berdim
I smiledMen ko'ldim
I tookMen oldim
he spokeu gapirdi
he wroteu yozdi
he droveu haydadi
he lovedu sevdi
he gaveu berdi
he smiledu ko'ldi
he tooku oldi
we spokebiz gapirdik
we wrotebiz yozdik
we drovebiz haydadik
we lovedbiz sevdik
we gavebiz berdik
we smiledbiz ko'ldik
we tookbiz oldik
FutureKelasi zamon
I will speakmen gapiraman
I will writemen yozaman
I will drivemen haydayman
I will lovemen sevaman
I will givemen beraman
I will smilemen ko'laman
I will takemen olaman
he will speaku gapiradi
he will writeu yozadi
he will driveu haydaydi
he will loveu sevadi
he will giveu beradi
he will smileu ko'ladi
he will takeu oladi
we will speakbiz gapiramiz
we will writebiz yozamiz
we will drivebiz haydaymiz
we will lovebiz sevamiz
we will givebiz beramiz
we will smilebiz ko'lamiz
we will takebiz olamiz
PresentHozirgi zamon
I speakmen gapiraman
I writemen yozaman
I drivemen haydayman
I lovemen sevaman
I givemen beraman
I smilemen ko'laman
I takemen olaman
he speaksu gapiradi
he writesu yozadi
he drivesu haydaydi
he lovesu sevadi
he givesu beradi
he smilesu ko'ladi
he takesu oladi
we speakbiz gapiramiz
we writebiz yozamiz
we drivebiz haydaymiz
we lovebiz sevamiz
we givebiz beramiz
we smilebiz ko'lamiz
we takebiz olamiz

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Uzbek.

List of Verbs in Uzbek

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Uzbek placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Uzbek vocabulary.

English VerbsUzbek Verbs
I can accept thatMen bo'ni qabul qilib olaman
she added itu uni qo'shdi
we admit itbiz uni sig'diramiz
they advised himular uni tavsiya berdi
I can agree with thatmen bu bilan rozi bo'lishim mumkin
she allows itu uni ijozat beradi
we announce itbiz uni elon qilamiz
I can apologizemen kichirimni so'rashim mumkin
she appears todayu bugun paydo buladi
they arranged thatular uni tartibga soldi
I can arrive tomorrowmen ertaga kelishim mumkin
she can ask himu uni so'rasa bo'ladi
she attaches thatu uni mahkamlab qo'ydi
we attack thembiz ularni xujum qilamiz
they avoid herular undan chetlanadilar
I can bake itmen uni sindirishim mumkin
she is like himu unga o'xshaydi
we beat itbiz uni garov o'ynaymiz
they became happyular baxtli bo'ldilar
I can begin thatmen buni boshlab olaman
we borrowed moneybiz po'lni qarzga oldik
they breathe airular havoni nafas oladilar
I can bring itmen uni opkelib olsam bo'ladi
I can build thatmen buni qo'rib olaman
she buys foodu ovqatni sotib oladi
we calculate itbiz uni xisoblaymiz
they carry itular uni ko'tarib boradilar
they don't cheatular aldamaydilar
she chooses himu uni tanlaydi
we close itbiz uni yopamiz
he comes hereu bu erga keladi
I can compare thatmen buni taqqoslab olaman
she competes with meu men bilan raqobat qiladi
we complain about itbiz unga shikoyat qilamiz
they continued readingular o'qishni davom etdilar
he cried about thatu u haqida yig'ladi
I can decide nowmen qaror qilaman hozir
she described it to meu uni menga tasvirladi
we disagree about itbiz shu masalasida norozimiz
they disappeared quicklyular tez yashirindi
I discovered thatmen uni bildim
she dislikes thatu uni nafratlanadi
we do itbiz uni qilamiz
they dream about itular bu xaqida orzu qiladilar
I earnedmen yutdim
he eats a lotu ko'p yiydi
we enjoyed thatbizga u yoqdi
they entered hereular bu erda kirdi
he escaped thatu undan qochib ketdi
I can explain thatmen buni tushuntirib olaman
she feels that toou uni ham sezadi
we fled from therebiz usha joydan uchdik
they will fly tomorrowular ertaga uchadilar
I can follow youmen sen (siz) orqang(iz)dan boraman
she forgot meu meni unutdi
we forgive himbiz uni kechiramiz
I can give her thatmen uni unga berib olaman
she goes thereu u erga boradi
we greeted thembiz u bilan salomlashdik
I hate thatmen uni nafratlanaman
I can hear itmen uni eshitib olaman
she imagine thatu uni faras qiladi
we invited thembiz ularni taklif qildik
I know himmen uni taniyman
she learned itu uni o'rgandi
we leave nowbiz hozir ketamiz
they lied about himular u haqida aldadilar
I can listen to thatmen uni eshitib olaman
she lost thatu uni yuqotdi
we made it yesterdaybiz buni kecha qildik
they met himular uni uchrashdilar
I misspell thatmen uni notug'ri harflab aytdim
I always praymen xar doyim duvo qilaman
she prefers thatu uni afzal ko'radi
we protected thembiz ularni himoya qildik
they will punish herular uni jazolaydilar
I can put it theremen buni u erga quyib olaman
she will read itu uni uqiydi
we received thatbiz uni qabul qildik
they refuse to talkular gapirishdan tovladilar
I remember thatmen uni eslayman
she repeats thatu uni takrorlaydi
we see itbuz uni ko'ramiz
they sell itular uni sotadilar
I sent that yesterdaymen uni kecha junatdim
he shaved his beardu uni soqolni oldirdi
it shrunk quicklyu tez kirishdi
we will sing itbiz uni ashula aytamiz
they sat thereular u erda utirdilar
I can speak itmen uni gapirib olaman
she spends moneyu po'lni sarflaydi
we suffered from thatbiz undan azob chekdik
they suggest thatular uni maslahat beradilar
I surprised himmen uni hayratlandim
she took thatu uni oldi
we teach itbiz uni o'rgatamiz
they told usular bizga aytdilar
she thanked himu unga raxmat aytdi
I can think about itmen bu haqida o'ylab olaman
she threw itu uni tashladi
we understand thatbiz uni tushunamiz
they want thatular uni xoxlaydilar
I can wear itmen uni kiyib olaman
she writes thatu uni yozadi
we talk about itbiz bu haqida gaplashamiz
they have itularda bu bor
I watched itmen buni tomosha qildim
I will talk about itmen bu haqida gaplashaman
he bought that yesterdayu uni kecha sotib oldi
we finished itbiz uni to'gatdik

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Uzbek. Once you're done with Uzbek Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Uzbek lessons here: Learn Uzbek. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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