Uzbek Radio

Listening to the Uzbek Radio live broadcast is an important factor in learning the language because it helps you hear how words are pronounced, which will make you understand another person easily, and also pronounce words the correct way. Above is a Radio channel in Uzbek simply press the play button and you will be able to listen for hours. Don't forget to save this page to your favourites so that you can always come back and listen more. The more you listen the faster you learn. If player doesn't start, you need to install missing Plugins on your browser. If Firefox craches, switch to IE, or Chrome.

Radio podcasts in Uzbek have a very important role in language learning, therefore you need to listen to them several times until your ears are adjusted to hearing words the way natives pronounce them. Once you're done with Uzbek radio channel, you might want to check the rest of our Uzbek lessons here: Learn Uzbek. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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