If you're trying to learn Slovene Verbs which is also called Slovenian, check our courses about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Slovene grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Slovene. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Slovene Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Slovene verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Here are some examples:
English Verbs | Slovene Verbs |
Verbs | Glagoli |
Past | Preteklik |
I spoke | govoril sem |
I wrote | Pisal sem |
I drove | vozil sem |
I loved | ljubil sem |
I gave | dal sem |
I smiled | Nasmehnil sem se |
I took | Vzel sem |
he spoke | govoril je |
he wrote | je pisal |
he drove | vozil je |
he loved | ljubil je |
he gave | je dal |
he smiled | se je nasmehnil |
he took | je vzel |
we spoke | smo govorili |
we wrote | pisali smo |
we drove | smo se vozili |
we loved | ljubili smo |
we gave | dali smo |
we smiled | smo se nasmehnili |
we took | smo vzeli |
Future | Prihodnjik |
I will speak | govoril bom |
I will write | pisal bom |
I will drive | Bom vozil |
I will love | Bom ljubil |
I will give | dal bom |
I will smile | Se bom nasmehnil |
I will take | Bom vzel |
he will speak | govoril bo |
he will write | on bo pisal |
he will drive | on bo vozil |
he will love | on bo ljubil |
he will give | on bo dal |
he will smile | on se bo nasmehnil |
he will take | on bo vzel |
we will speak | mi bomo govorili |
we will write | mi bomo pisali |
we will drive | mi bomo vozili |
we will love | mi bomo ljubili |
we will give | mi bomo dali |
we will smile | mi se bomo nasmehnili |
we will take | mi bomo vzeli |
Present | Sedanjik |
I speak | jaz govorim |
I write | jaz pišem |
I drive | jaz vozim |
I love | jaz ljubim |
I give | jaz dam |
I smile | jaz se nasmehnem |
I take | jaz vzamem |
he speaks | on govori |
he writes | on piše |
he drives | on vozi |
he loves | on ljubi |
he gives | on daje |
he smiles | on se nasmehne |
he takes | on vzame |
we speak | mi govorimo |
we write | mi pišemo |
we drive | mi vozimo |
we love | mi imamo radi |
we give | mi damo |
we smile | mi se nasmehnemo |
we take | mi vzamemo |
Notice the structure of the Verbs in Slovene.
Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Slovene placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Slovene vocabulary.
English Verbs | Slovene Verbs |
I can accept that | jaz to lahko sprejmem |
she added it | ona je to dodala |
we admit it | mi priznamo |
they advised him | oni so mu svetovali |
I can agree with that | jaz se s tem lahko strinjam |
she allows it | ona to dovoli |
we announce it | mi to razglašamo |
I can apologize | jaz se lahko opravičim |
she appears today | ona se danes pojavi/ona se danes zdi |
they arranged that | oni so to uredili |
I can arrive tomorrow | jaz lahko pridem jutri |
she can ask him | ona ga lahko vpraša |
she attaches that | ona to priloži |
we attack them | mi jih napadamo |
they avoid her | oni se je izogibajo |
I can bake it | jaz lahko to spečem |
she is like him | ona je kot on |
we beat it | mi to pretepamo |
they became happy | oni so postali srečni |
I can begin that | jaz lahko to začnem |
we borrowed money | mi smo si izposodili denar |
they breathe air | oni dihajo zrak |
I can bring it | jaz lahko to prinesem |
I can build that | jaz lahko to izgradim |
she buys food | ona kupuje hrano |
we calculate it | mi to preračunavamo |
they carry it | oni to nosijo |
they don't cheat | oni ne goljufajo |
she chooses him | ona izbere njega |
we close it | mi to zapremo |
he comes here | on pride sem |
I can compare that | jaz lahko to primerjam |
she competes with me | ona tekmuje z mano |
we complain about it | mi se pritožujemo nad tem |
they continued reading | oni so nadaljevali z branjem |
he cried about that | on je jokal zaradi tega |
I can decide now | jaz se lahko sedaj odločim |
she described it to me | ona je to meni opisala |
we disagree about it | mi se o tem ne strinjamo |
they disappeared quickly | oni so hitro izginili |
I discovered that | jaz sem to odkril |
she dislikes that | ona tega ne mara |
we do it | mi to počnemo |
they dream about it | oni o tem sanjajo |
I earned | jaz sem zaslužil |
he eats a lot | veliko poje |
we enjoyed that | mi smo ob tem uživali |
they entered here | oni so tu vstopili |
he escaped that | on je temu pobegnil |
I can explain that | jaz lahko to razložim |
she feels that too | ona tudi to občuti |
we fled from there | mi smo od tu zbežali |
they will fly tomorrow | oni bodo jutri leteli |
I can follow you | jaz ti lahko sledim |
she forgot me | ona me je pozabila |
we forgive him | mi mu oprostimo |
I can give her that | jaz ji lahko to dam |
she goes there | tja gre |
we greeted them | mi smo jih pozdravili |
I hate that | jaz to sovražim |
I can hear it | jaz lahko to slišim |
she imagine that | ona si to predstavlja |
we invited them | mi smo jih povabili |
I know him | jaz ga poznam |
she learned it | ona se je to naučila |
we leave now | mi sedaj odhajamo |
they lied about him | oni so lagali o njem |
I can listen to that | jaz lahko to poslušam |
she lost that | ona je to izgubila |
we made it yesterday | mi smo to naredili včeraj |
they met him | oni so ga spoznali |
I misspell that | jaz to napačno črkujem |
I always pray | jaz vedno molim |
she prefers that | ona ima to raje |
we protected them | mi smo jih zaščitili |
they will punish her | oni jo bodo kaznovali |
I can put it there | jaz lahko to postavim tja |
she will read it | ona bo to prebrala |
we received that | mi smo to prejeli |
they refuse to talk | oni ne želijo govoriti |
I remember that | jaz se tega spominjam |
she repeats that | ona to ponavlja |
we see it | mi to vidimo |
they sell it | oni to prodajajo |
I sent that yesterday | jaz sem to poslal včeraj |
he shaved his beard | on si je obril brado |
it shrunk quickly | hitro se je skrčilo |
we will sing it | mi bomo to zapeli |
they sat there | oni so tam sedeli |
I can speak it | jaz lahko to govorim |
she spends money | ona zapravlja denar |
we suffered from that | mi smo zaradi tega trpeli |
they suggest that | oni so to predlagali |
I surprised him | jaz sem ga presenetil |
she took that | ona je to vzela |
we teach it | mi to učimo |
they told us | oni so nam povedali |
she thanked him | ona se mu je zahvalila |
I can think about it | jaz lahko o tem razmišljam |
she threw it | ona je to vrgla |
we understand that | mi to razumemo |
they want that | oni to hočejo |
I can wear it | jaz lahko to nosim |
she writes that | ona to piše |
we talk about it | mi o tem govorimo |
they have it | oni to imajo |
I watched it | jaz sem to gledal |
I will talk about it | jaz bom o tem govoril |
he bought that yesterday | jaz sem to kupil včeraj |
we finished it | mi smo to končali |
Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Slovene. Once you're done with the Slovenian Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Slovene lessons here: Learn Slovene. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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