If you're trying to learn Slovak Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Slovak grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Slovak. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Slovak Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Slovak verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.
6- Verbs Lessons
- Present Tense
In Slovak, verbs take the following endings to form the present tense:
ja -m, ty -š, on (ona, ono) -a, -e, -i, my -me, vy -e, oni -u, -ia. Example:
ja spím, ty spíš, on (ona, ono) spí, my spíme, vy spíte, oni spia .
Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in present tense:
Ja som, Ty si, On (ona, ono) je, my sme, vy ste, oni sú
- Past Tense
Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in past tense:
Ja som bol, ty si bol, on (ona, ono) bolo, my sme boli, vy ste boli, oni boli
In Slovak as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. Past tense is formed by modification of verb byť (to be) + verb ending: –l(M), -la (F), -lo (N).:
Example modification of verb hrať( – to play):
Ja som hral, ty si hral, on hral, ona hrala, ono hralo, my sme hrali, vy ste hrali, oni hrali.
- Future Tense
Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in future tense:
Ja budem, ty budeš, on (ona, ono) bude hrať, my budeme, vy budete, oni budú.
To form the future tense in Slovak you add verb budem (budem sa) to the infinitive.
Example modification of berb hrať( – to play):
Ja budem hrať, ty budeš hrať , on (ona, ono) bude hrať, my budeme hrať, vy budete hrať, oni budú hrať.
Here are some examples:
English Verbs | Slovak Verbs |
Verbs | slovesá |
Past | Minulý čas |
I spoke | Rozprával som |
I wrote | písal som |
I drove | šoféroval som |
I loved | miloval som |
I gave | Dal som |
I smiled | Usmial som sa |
I took | vzal som |
he spoke | hovoril |
he wrote | písal |
he drove | šoféroval |
he loved | miloval |
he gave | dal |
he smiled | usmial sa |
he took | vzal |
we spoke | hovorili sme |
we wrote | písali sme |
we drove | šoférovali sme |
we loved | milovali sme |
we gave | dali sme |
we smiled | usmiali sme sa |
we took | vzali sme |
Future | Budúci čas |
I will speak | Budem hovoriť |
I will write | Budem písať |
I will drive | budem šoférovať |
I will love | budem milovať |
I will give | Dám |
I will smile | budem sa usmievať |
I will take | Vezmem |
he will speak | bude hovoriť |
he will write | bude písať |
he will drive | bude šoférovať |
he will love | bude milovať |
he will give | dá |
he will smile | bude sa usmievať |
he will take | vezme |
we will speak | budeme hovoriť |
we will write | budeme písať |
we will drive | budeme šoférovať |
we will love | budeme milovať |
we will give | dáme |
we will smile | budeme sa usmievať |
we will take | vezmeme |
Present | Prítomný čas |
I speak | hovorím |
I write | píšem |
I drive | šoférujem |
I love | milujem |
I give | dávam |
I smile | usmievam sa |
I take | Beriem |
he speaks | hovorí |
he writes | píše |
he drives | šoféruje |
he loves | miluje |
he gives | dáva |
he smiles | usmieva sa |
he takes | vezme |
we speak | hovoríme |
we write | píšeme |
we drive | šoférujeme |
we love | milujeme |
we give | dávame |
we smile | usmievame sa |
we take | berieme |
Notice the structure of the Verbs in Slovak.
Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Slovak placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Slovak vocabulary.
English Verbs | Slovak Verbs |
I can accept that | môžem to prijať |
she added it | dodala to |
we admit it | príznávame to |
they advised him | radili mu |
I can agree with that | môžem s tým súhlasiť |
she allows it | dovoľuje to |
we announce it | oznamujeme to |
I can apologize | môžem sa ospravedlniť |
she appears today | ona sa objaví dnes |
they arranged that | vybavili to |
I can arrive tomorrow | Môžem prísť zajtra |
she can ask him | môže sa ho spýtať |
she attaches that | prikladá to |
we attack them | úťočime na nich |
they avoid her | vyhýbajú sa jej |
I can bake it | viem to upiecť |
she is like him | ona je ako on |
we beat it | porazili sme to |
they became happy | stali sa štastní |
I can begin that | Môžem začať, že |
we borrowed money | požičali sme si peniaze |
they breathe air | dýchajú vzduch |
I can bring it | môžem to priniesť |
I can build that | môžem to postaviť |
she buys food | kupuje si jedlo |
we calculate it | spočítame to |
they carry it | nesú to |
they don't cheat | nepodvádzajú |
she chooses him | vyberie si jeho |
we close it | zatvárame to |
he comes here | príde sem |
I can compare that | viem to porovnať |
she competes with me | ona súťaží so mnou |
we complain about it | sťažujeme sa na to |
they continued reading | pokračovali v čítaní |
he cried about that | zvolal o tom |
I can decide now | teraz sa môžem rozhodnúť |
she described it to me | opísala mi to |
we disagree about it | nesúhlasíme s tým |
they disappeared quickly | rýchlo zmizli |
I discovered that | zistil som to |
she dislikes that | neznáša to |
we do it | robíme to |
they dream about it | snívajú o tom |
I earned | zarobil som |
he eats a lot | veľa je |
we enjoyed that | užili sme si to |
they entered here | vstúpili tu |
he escaped that | utiekol tomu |
I can explain that | môžem to vysvetliť |
she feels that too | cíti to tiež |
we fled from there | utiekli sme odtiaľ |
they will fly tomorrow | odlietajú zajtra |
I can follow you | môžem ísť za tebou |
she forgot me | zabudla na mňa |
we forgive him | odpúšťame mu |
I can give her that | môžem jej to dať |
she goes there | ide tam |
we greeted them | pozdravili sme ho |
I hate that | nenávidím to |
I can hear it | Počujem to |
she imagine that | predstavila si to |
we invited them | Pozvali sme ich |
I know him | Poznám ho |
she learned it | naučila sa to |
we leave now | odchádzame teraz |
they lied about him | klamali o ňom |
I can listen to that | môžem to počúvať |
she lost that | stratila to |
we made it yesterday | urobili sme to včera |
they met him | stretli ho |
I misspell that | chybne som to vyhláskoval(a) |
I always pray | vždy sa modlím |
she prefers that | uprednostňuje to |
we protected them | ochránili sme ho |
they will punish her | potrestajú ju |
I can put it there | môžem to tam dať |
she will read it | prečíta to |
we received that | dostali sme to |
they refuse to talk | odmietajú hovoriť |
I remember that | pamätám si to |
she repeats that | opakuje to |
we see it | vidíme to |
they sell it | predávajú to |
I sent that yesterday | poslal(a) som to včera |
he shaved his beard | oholil si bradu |
it shrunk quickly | rýchlo sa to zmenšilo |
we will sing it | budeme spievať |
they sat there | sedeli tam |
I can speak it | môžem to povedať |
she spends money | ona míňa peniaze |
we suffered from that | utrpeli sme z toho |
they suggest that | navrhujú, že |
I surprised him | prekvapil(a) som ho |
she took that | zobrala to |
we teach it | učíme to |
they told us | povedali nám |
she thanked him | Poďakovala mu |
I can think about it | Môžem o tom premýšľať |
she threw it | hodila to |
we understand that | chápeme to |
they want that | Chcú, aby |
I can wear it | môžem to nosiť |
she writes that | píše, že |
we talk about it | hovoríme o tom |
they have it | majú to |
I watched it | Sledoval som to |
I will talk about it | Budem o tom hovoriť |
he bought that yesterday | kúpil to včera |
we finished it | dokončili sme to |
Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Slovak. Once you're done with Slovak Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Slovak lessons here: Learn Slovak. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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