Slovak Verbs

If you're trying to learn Slovak Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Slovak grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Slovak. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Slovak Verbs

Learning the Slovak Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Slovak verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Grammar Tips:

6-    Verbs Lessons

-       Present Tense

In Slovak, verbs take the following endings to form the present tense:

ja -m, ty -š, on (ona, ono) -a, -e, -i, my -me, vy -e, oni -u, -ia. Example:

ja spím, ty spíš, on (ona, ono) spí, my spíme, vy spíte, oni spia .


Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in present tense:

Ja som, Ty si, On (ona, ono) je, my sme, vy ste, oni


-       Past Tense


Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in past tense:

Ja som bol, ty si bol, on (ona, ono) bolo, my sme boli, vy ste boli, oni boli


In Slovak as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. Past tense is formed by modification of verb byť (to be) + verb ending: –l(M), -la (F), -lo (N).:

Example modification of verb hrať( – to play):

Ja som hral, ty si hral, on hral, ona hrala, ono hralo, my sme hrali, vy ste hrali, oni hrali.


-       Future Tense

Conjugation of the verb byť (to be) in future tense:

Ja budem, ty budeš, on (ona, ono) bude hrať, my budeme, vy budete, oni budú.


To form the future tense in Slovak you add verb budem (budem sa)  to the infinitive.

Example modification of berb hrať( – to play):

Ja budem hrať, ty budeš hrať , on (ona, ono) bude hrať, my  budeme hrať, vy  budete hrať, oni budú hrať.

Here are some examples:

English VerbsSlovak Verbs
PastMinulý čas
I spokeRozprával som
I wrotepísal som
I drovešoféroval som
I lovedmiloval som
I gaveDal som
I smiledUsmial som sa
I tookvzal som
he spokehovoril
he wrotepísal
he drovešoféroval
he lovedmiloval
he gavedal
he smiledusmial sa
he tookvzal
we spokehovorili sme
we wrotepísali sme
we drovešoférovali sme
we lovedmilovali sme
we gavedali sme
we smiledusmiali sme sa
we tookvzali sme
FutureBudúci čas
I will speakBudem hovoriť
I will writeBudem písať
I will drivebudem šoférovať
I will lovebudem milovať
I will giveDám
I will smilebudem sa usmievať
I will takeVezmem
he will speakbude hovoriť
he will writebude písať
he will drivebude šoférovať
he will lovebude milovať
he will give
he will smilebude sa usmievať
he will takevezme
we will speakbudeme hovoriť
we will writebudeme písať
we will drivebudeme šoférovať
we will lovebudeme milovať
we will givedáme
we will smilebudeme sa usmievať
we will takevezmeme
PresentPrítomný čas
I speakhovorím
I writepíšem
I drivešoférujem
I lovemilujem
I givedávam
I smileusmievam sa
I takeBeriem
he speakshovorí
he writespíše
he drivesšoféruje
he lovesmiluje
he givesdáva
he smilesusmieva sa
he takesvezme
we speakhovoríme
we writepíšeme
we drivešoférujeme
we lovemilujeme
we givedávame
we smileusmievame sa
we takeberieme

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Slovak.

List of Verbs in Slovak

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Slovak placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Slovak vocabulary.

English VerbsSlovak Verbs
I can accept thatmôžem to prijať
she added itdodala to
we admit itpríznávame to
they advised himradili mu
I can agree with thatmôžem s tým súhlasiť
she allows itdovoľuje to
we announce itoznamujeme to
I can apologizemôžem sa ospravedlniť
she appears todayona sa objaví dnes
they arranged thatvybavili to
I can arrive tomorrowMôžem prísť zajtra
she can ask himmôže sa ho spýtať
she attaches thatprikladá to
we attack themúťočime na nich
they avoid hervyhýbajú sa jej
I can bake itviem to upiecť
she is like himona je ako on
we beat itporazili sme to
they became happystali sa štastní
I can begin thatMôžem začať, že
we borrowed moneypožičali sme si peniaze
they breathe airdýchajú vzduch
I can bring itmôžem to priniesť
I can build thatmôžem to postaviť
she buys foodkupuje si jedlo
we calculate itspočítame to
they carry itnesú to
they don't cheatnepodvádzajú
she chooses himvyberie si jeho
we close itzatvárame to
he comes herepríde sem
I can compare thatviem to porovnať
she competes with meona súťaží so mnou
we complain about itsťažujeme sa na to
they continued readingpokračovali v čítaní
he cried about thatzvolal o tom
I can decide nowteraz sa môžem rozhodnúť
she described it to meopísala mi to
we disagree about itnesúhlasíme s tým
they disappeared quicklyrýchlo zmizli
I discovered thatzistil som to
she dislikes thatneznáša to
we do itrobíme to
they dream about itsnívajú o tom
I earnedzarobil som
he eats a lotveľa je
we enjoyed thatužili sme si to
they entered herevstúpili tu
he escaped thatutiekol tomu
I can explain thatmôžem to vysvetliť
she feels that toocíti to tiež
we fled from thereutiekli sme odtiaľ
they will fly tomorrowodlietajú zajtra
I can follow youmôžem ísť za tebou
she forgot mezabudla na mňa
we forgive himodpúšťame mu
I can give her thatmôžem jej to dať
she goes thereide tam
we greeted thempozdravili sme ho
I hate thatnenávidím to
I can hear itPočujem to
she imagine thatpredstavila si to
we invited themPozvali sme ich
I know himPoznám ho
she learned itnaučila sa to
we leave nowodchádzame teraz
they lied about himklamali o ňom
I can listen to thatmôžem to počúvať
she lost thatstratila to
we made it yesterdayurobili sme to včera
they met himstretli ho
I misspell thatchybne som to vyhláskoval(a)
I always prayvždy sa modlím
she prefers thatuprednostňuje to
we protected themochránili sme ho
they will punish herpotrestajú ju
I can put it theremôžem to tam dať
she will read itprečíta to
we received thatdostali sme to
they refuse to talkodmietajú hovoriť
I remember thatpamätám si to
she repeats thatopakuje to
we see itvidíme to
they sell itpredávajú to
I sent that yesterdayposlal(a) som to včera
he shaved his beardoholil si bradu
it shrunk quicklyrýchlo sa to zmenšilo
we will sing itbudeme spievať
they sat theresedeli tam
I can speak itmôžem to povedať
she spends moneyona míňa peniaze
we suffered from thatutrpeli sme z toho
they suggest thatnavrhujú, že
I surprised himprekvapil(a) som ho
she took thatzobrala to
we teach itučíme to
they told uspovedali nám
she thanked himPoďakovala mu
I can think about itMôžem o tom premýšľať
she threw ithodila to
we understand thatchápeme to
they want thatChcú, aby
I can wear itmôžem to nosiť
she writes thatpíše, že
we talk about ithovoríme o tom
they have itmajú to
I watched itSledoval som to
I will talk about itBudem o tom hovoriť
he bought that yesterdaykúpil to včera
we finished itdokončili sme to

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Slovak. Once you're done with Slovak Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Slovak lessons here: Learn Slovak. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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