If you're trying to learn Russian Plural you will find some useful resources including a course about Plural and Singular... to help you with your Russian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Russian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Russian Plural is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Russian language. But first we need to know what the role of Plural is in the structure of the grammar in Russian.
Russian Plurals are grammatical numbers, typically referring to more than one of the referent in the real world. In the English language, singular and plural are the only grammatical numbers.
While in English, the plural is formed by adding (s) to the singular, in Russian, to form the plural of nouns and adjectives we change the flexion* of the word to (-ы/-и) for words of masculine and feminine gender and to (-а/-я) for words of neutral gender. Here are some examples:
Журнал (magazine) becomes: журналы (magazines)
Музей (museum) becomes: музеи (museums)
Словарь (dictionary) becomes словари (dictionaries)
Банк (bank) – банки (banks)
Карандаш (pencil) – карандаши (pencils)
Комната (room) – комнаты (rooms)
*The flexion is usually the last letter, sometimes two letters, of a word.
Please note that there are numerous exceptions to this rule, for example:
Брат (brother) – братья (brothers)
Стул (chair) – стулья (chairs)
Друг (friend) – друзья (friends)
Человек (person) – люди (people)
Ребенок (child) – дети (children)
Here are some examples:
English Plural | Russian Plural |
Plural | Множественное число - Mnozestvennoe chislo |
my book | моя книга - moia kniga |
my books | мои книги - moi knigi |
our daughter | наша дочь - nasha dochio |
our daughters | наши дочери - nashi docheri |
I'm cold | Мне холодно - Mne holodno |
we're cold | нам холодно - nam holodno |
his chickens | его куры - ego kurы |
their chicken | их курица - ih kurica |
Notice the structure of the Plural in Russian.
Below is a list of the Plurals and Singulars in Russian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Russian vocabulary.
English Plural | Russian Plural |
alligator | крокодил - krokodil |
alligators | крокодилы - krokodilы |
bear | медведь - medvedio |
bears | медведи - medvedi |
bird | птица - ptica |
birds | птицы - pticы |
bull | бык - bыk |
bulls | быки - bыki |
cat | кошка - koshka |
cats | кошки - koshki |
cow | корова - korova |
cows | коровы - korovы |
deer | олень - olenio |
many deer | Много оленей - Mnogo olenei |
dog | собака - sobaka |
dogs | собаки - sobaki |
donkey | осел - osel |
donkeys | ослы - oslы |
eagle | орел - orel |
eagles | орлы - orlы |
elephant | слон - slon |
elephants | слоны - slonы |
giraffe | жирафа - zirafa |
giraffes | жирафы - zirafы |
goat | козел - kozel |
goats | козлы - kozlы |
horse | лошадь - loshadio |
horses | лошади - loshadi |
lion | лев - lev |
lions | львы - lioы |
monkey | обезьяна - obeziona |
monkeys | обезьяны - obezionы |
mouse | мышь - mыshio |
mice | мыши - mыshi |
rabbit | кролик - krolik |
rabbits | кролики - kroliki |
snake | змея - zmeia |
snakes | змеи - zmei |
tiger | тигр - tigr |
tigers | тигры - tigrы |
wolf | волк - volk |
wolves | волки - volki |
Plural and Singular have a very important role in Russian. Once you're done with Russian Plural, you might want to check the rest of our Russian lessons here: Learn Russian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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