If you're trying to learn Galician Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Galician grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Galician. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Galician Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Galician verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.
- Present Tense
In Galician, verbs take the following endings to form the present tense:
Eu ... -o Nós ... -mos
Ti ... -as/-es Vós ... -des
El/Ela ... -a/-e Eles/Elas ... -an/-en
FALAR (to speak) COMER (to eat) DURMIR (to sleep)
Eu falo Eu como Eu durmo
Ti falas Ti comes Ti dormes
El/Ela fala El/Ela come El/Ela dorme
Nós falamos Nós comemos Nós durmimos
Vós falades Vós comedes Vós durmides
Eles/Elas falan Eles/Elas comen Eles/Elas dormen
These endings can help you a lot, because with them you can conjugate most of verbs into the present tense, you only need the stem of the verb.
- Past Tense
In Galician as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. The endings for the past tense verbs are:
Eu ... -ei/-ín Nós ... -amos/-emos/-imos
Ti ... -aches/-iches Vós ... -astes/estes
El/Ela ... -ou/-eu/-iu Eles/Elas ... -aron/-eron/-iron
FALAR (to speak) COMER (to eat) DURMIR (to sleep)
Eu falei Eu comín Eu durmín
Ti falaches Ti comiches Ti durmiches
El/Ela falou El/Ela comeu El/Ela durmiu
Nós falamos Nós comemos Nós durmmimos
Vós falastes Vós comestes Vós durmistes
Eles/Elas falaron Eles/Elas comeron Eles/Elas durmiron
So just take any regular verb stem and add it to the endings above.
- Future Tense
To form the future in Galician it’s very easy, just use the whole infinitive verb plus these following ending:
Eu ... -ei Nós ... -emos
Ti ... -ás Vós ... -edes
El/Ela ... -á Eles/Elas ... -án
FALAR (to speak) COMER (to eat) DURMIR (to sleep)
Eu falarei Eu comerei Eu durmirei
Ti falarás Ti comerás Ti durmirás
El/Ela falará El/Ela comerá El/Ela durmirá
Nós falaremos Nós comeremos Nós durmiremos
Vós falaredes Vós comeredes Vós durmiredes
Eles/Elas falarán Eles/Elas comerán Eles/Elas durmirán
This means that you don’t have to worry about the stem of a verb, just take it as an infinitive and add the above future endings to it.
Here are some examples:
English Verbs | Galician Verbs |
Verbs | Verbos |
Past | Pasado |
I spoke | Eu falei |
I wrote | Eu escribín |
I drove | Eu conducín |
I loved | Eu amei |
I gave | Eu dei |
I smiled | Eu sorrín |
I took | Eu collín |
he spoke | El falou |
he wrote | El escribíu |
he drove | El conducíu |
he loved | El amou |
he gave | El deu |
he smiled | El sorríu |
he took | El colleu |
we spoke | Nós falamos |
we wrote | Nós escribimos |
we drove | Nós conducimos |
we loved | Nós amamos |
we gave | Nós demos |
we smiled | Nós sorrimos |
we took | Nós collimos |
Future | Futuro |
I will speak | Eu falarei |
I will write | Eu escribirei |
I will drive | Eu conducirei |
I will love | Eu amarei |
I will give | Eu darei |
I will smile | Eu sorrirei |
I will take | Eu collerei |
he will speak | El falará |
he will write | El escribirá |
he will drive | El conducirá |
he will love | El amará |
he will give | El dará |
he will smile | Sorrirá |
he will take | El collerá |
we will speak | Nós falaremos |
we will write | Nós escribiremos |
we will drive | Nós conduciremos |
we will love | Nós amaremos |
we will give | Nós daremos |
we will smile | sorriremos |
we will take | Nós colleremos |
Present | Presente |
I speak | Eu falo |
I write | Eu escribo |
I drive | Eu conduzo |
I love | Eu amo |
I give | Eu dou |
I smile | sorrio |
I take | Eu collo |
he speaks | El fala |
he writes | El escribe |
he drives | El conduce |
he loves | El ama |
he gives | El dá |
he smiles | sorrí |
he takes | El colle |
we speak | Nós falamos |
we write | Nós escribimos |
we drive | Nós conducimos |
we love | Nós amamos |
we give | Nós damos |
we smile | sorrimos |
we take | Nós collemos |
Notice the structure of the Verbs in Galician.
Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Galician placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Galician vocabulary.
English Verbs | Galician Verbs |
I can accept that | Podo aceptalo |
she added it | Ela o engadiu |
we admit it | Nós admitimos |
they advised him | Eles o advertiron |
I can agree with that | Podo estar de acordo con iso |
she allows it | Ela o permite |
we announce it | Nós o anunciamos |
I can apologize | Podo desculpar |
she appears today | Ela aparece hoxe |
they arranged that | Eles acordaron que |
I can arrive tomorrow | Podo chegar mañá |
she can ask him | Pode pedirlle |
she attaches that | Ela engade que |
we attack them | Nós os atacamos |
they avoid her | Eles a evitan |
I can bake it | Podo preparalo |
she is like him | Ela é coma el |
we beat it | Nós o vencemos |
they became happy | Puxéronse ledos |
I can begin that | Podo comezalo |
we borrowed money | Prestamos diñeiro |
they breathe air | respiran ar |
I can bring it | Podo traelo |
I can build that | Podo construilo |
she buys food | Ela compra comida |
we calculate it | Nós calculámolo |
they carry it | Eles o levan |
they don't cheat | Eles non enganan |
she chooses him | Ela o escolleu |
we close it | Pechámolo |
he comes here | el ven aquí |
I can compare that | Podo comparalo |
she competes with me | Ela compite comigo |
we complain about it | Queixámosnos |
they continued reading | eles continuaron lendo |
he cried about that | ela chorou con iso |
I can decide now | Podo decidir agora |
she described it to me | ela describiumo |
we disagree about it | nós non estamos dacordo con iso |
they disappeared quickly | eles desapareceron rapidamente |
I discovered that | Eu descubrín que |
she dislikes that | A ela non lle gusta que |
we do it | facemos |
they dream about it | eles soñan con iso |
I earned | eu gañei |
he eats a lot | el come moito |
we enjoyed that | nos gusta que |
they entered here | eles entraron aquí |
he escaped that | el escapou de que |
I can explain that | Podo explicalo |
she feels that too | Sinteo tamén |
we fled from there | fuximos de alí |
they will fly tomorrow | eles voarán mañá |
I can follow you | Podo seguirte |
she forgot me | ela me esqueceu |
we forgive him | nós o esquecimos a el |
I can give her that | Podo perdoarllo |
she goes there | ela vai aí |
we greeted them | Saudámolos |
I hate that | eu odio que |
I can hear it | Podo escoitalo |
she imagine that | ela imaxina que |
we invited them | nós invitámolos |
I know him | o coñezo |
she learned it | ela o aprendeu |
we leave now | ímonos agora |
they lied about him | eles mentiron sobre el |
I can listen to that | podo escoitar iso |
she lost that | ela perdeu o que |
we made it yesterday | o fixemos onte |
they met him | o encontraron |
I misspell that | eu escribo mal que |
I always pray | eu sempre rezo |
she prefers that | ela prefire que |
we protected them | nos protexímolos |
they will punish her | eles castigarana |
I can put it there | eu podo poñelo alí |
she will read it | ela leeráo |
we received that | recibimos que |
they refuse to talk | eles néganse a falar |
I remember that | Lembro que |
she repeats that | ela repite que |
we see it | o vemos |
they sell it | o venden |
I sent that yesterday | envieino onte |
he shaved his beard | afeitou a súa barba |
it shrunk quickly | encolleuse rapidamente |
we will sing it | cantarémolo |
they sat there | sentáronse aquí |
I can speak it | podo dicilo |
she spends money | ela gasta os cartos |
we suffered from that | nós sufrímolo desde aquela |
they suggest that | eles suxiren que |
I surprised him | sorprendino |
she took that | ela colleu que |
we teach it | aprendímolo |
they told us | dixéronnnos |
she thanked him | agradeceulle |
I can think about it | podo pensar niso |
she threw it | ela tirouno |
we understand that | entendemos que |
they want that | eles queren que |
I can wear it | Podo usalo |
she writes that | Ela escribe que |
we talk about it | falamos sobre isto |
they have it | eles teñen |
I watched it | Eu asistir-lo |
I will talk about it | Vou falar sobre iso |
he bought that yesterday | que comprou onte |
we finished it | que rematou |
Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Galician. Once you're done with Galician Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Galician lessons here: Learn Galician. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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