Galician Negation

If you're trying to learn Galician Negation you will find some useful resources including a course about Negation and negative expressions... to help you with your Galician grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Galician. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Galician Negation

Learning the Galician Negation displayed below is vital to the language. Galician negation is the process that turns an affirmative statement (I am happy) into its opposite denial (I am not happy).

Grammar Tips:

In Galician, negation can be made simply by placing "No" before the main verb. But sometimes a double negative is required. "Non" is the most common negative.

Non podo facelo (I can't do this). 

Non teñen nada que facer (they don't have anything to do – Double Negative). 

Non o quero / Non me gusta. (I don't like it)

Here are some examples:

English NegationGalician Negation
he is not hereNon está aquí
that is not my bookque non é o meu libro
do not enternon entre

Notice the structure of the Negation in Galician.

List of Negation in Galician

Below is a list of the Negation and negative expressions in Galician placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Galician vocabulary.

English NegationGalician Negation
I don't speakEu non falo
I don't writeEu non escribo
I don't driveEu non conduce
I don't loveEu non te amo
I don't giveEu non dou
I don't smileEu non sorrir
I don't takeEu non tomo
he doesn't speakel non fala
he doesn't writenon escribe
he doesn't drivenon dirixe
he doesn't lovenon ama
he doesn't givenon dá
he doesn't smileNon sorrir
he doesn't takenon leva
we don't speakNon falamos
we don't writenon escribir
we don't driveque non conduce
we don't lovenon aman
we don't givenós non damos
we don't smilenon sorrir
we don't takenon tomamos

Negation and negative expressions have a very important role in Galician. Once you're done with Galician Negation, you might want to check the rest of our Galician lessons here: Learn Galician. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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