If you're trying to learn Czech Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Czech grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Czech. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Czech Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Czech verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.
- Present Tense
In Czech, verbs take endings to form the present tense. There are five classes of verbs, each with several sub-types. These must be memorised from the following table.
class 1 |
class 2 |
person |
tense |
nést |
číst |
péct |
třít |
brát |
mazat |
tisknout |
minout |
začít |
já |
Present tense |
nesu |
čtu |
peču |
třu |
beru |
mažu |
tisknu |
minu |
začnu |
ty |
neseš |
čteš |
pečeš |
třeš |
bereš |
mažeš |
tiskneš |
mineš |
začneš |
on ona ono |
nese |
čte |
peče |
tře |
bere |
maže |
tiskne |
mine |
začne |
my |
neseme |
čteme |
pečeme |
třeme |
bereme |
mažeme |
tiskneme |
mineme |
začneme |
vy |
Nesete |
čtete |
pečete |
třete |
berete |
mažete |
tisknete |
minete |
začnete |
oni |
Nesou |
čtou |
pečou |
třou |
berou |
mažou |
tisknou |
minou |
začnou |
class 3 |
class 4 |
class 5 |
krýt |
kupovat |
prosit |
čistit |
trpět |
sázet |
dělat |
kryji |
kupuji |
prosím |
čistím |
trpím |
sázím |
dělám |
kryješ |
kupuješ |
prosíš |
čistíš |
trpíš |
sázíš |
děláš |
kryje |
kupuje |
prosí |
čistí |
trpí |
sází |
dělá |
kryjeme |
kupujeme |
prosíme |
čistíme |
trpíme |
sázíme |
děláme |
kryjete |
kupujete |
prosíte |
čistíte |
trpíte |
sázíte |
děláte |
kryjí |
kupují |
prosí |
čistí |
trpí |
sázejí |
dělají |
These endings can help you a lot, because with them you can conjugate most of verbs into the present tense, you only need the stem of the verb, for example the stem of tisknout (to print) is (tisk-).
- Past Tense
In Czech as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. The endings for the past tense verbs follow the same 5-class paradigm as in present tense.
class 1 |
class 2 |
class 3 |
class 4 |
class 5 |
person |
tense |
Nést |
číst |
péct |
třít |
brát |
mazat |
tisknout |
minout |
začít |
krýt |
kupovat |
prosit |
čistit |
trpět |
sázet |
dělat |
on |
Past tense |
nesl |
četl |
pekl |
třel |
bral |
mazal |
Tiskl |
minul |
začal |
kryl |
kupoval |
prosil |
čistil |
trpěl |
sázel |
dělal |
ona |
-a |
ono |
-o |
my vy oni/ ona/ony |
-i/-y (see the Spelling section) |
The above table only lists the third person. First and second person for both singular and plural is made by adding modal verb after the imperfect verb. Nesl jsem (I carried), nesl jsi (you carried). In past tense, gender affects the affix. After the imperfect stem usually ending with -l,
-a is added for feminine and -o for neutral gender. For plural, -i/-y is added for all three genders, while 3rd person pl. takes only the stem and suffix -i and 1st person pl. takes the affix and modal jsme and 2nd person plural takes the affix and modal jste.
So just take any regular verb stem and add it to the endings above, for example our previous verb tisknout (to print), its stem is “tisk-”, plus the ending and modal above becomes tisknul jsem (I printed).
- Future Tense
To form the future in Czech is complicated as perfective verbs, i.e. verbs in present tense having taken a phrasal prefix ( similar to English system of phrasal verbs) become future tense verbs. Example: táhnu (I pull), vytáhnu (I will pull out). The prefix –vy indicates both the phrasal modification (out) and future tense.
Future tense of imperfective verbs, i.e. plain verbs with no phrasal prefix, is made by preceding the infinitive verb by modal verb být (to be) in its future tense, in accordance with person and number.
Person |
být |
já |
budu |
ty |
budeš |
on ona ono |
bude |
my |
budeme |
vy |
budete |
oni |
budeme |
So the verb hrát (to play) in 2nd person future tense becomes budeš hrát.
Here are some examples:
English Verbs | Czech Verbs |
Verbs | Slovesa |
Past | Minulost |
I spoke | Mluvil jsem |
I wrote | Napsal jsem |
I drove | Jel jsem |
I loved | Milovala jsem |
I gave | Dal jsem |
I smiled | Usmál jsem se |
I took | vzal jsem |
he spoke | promluvil |
he wrote | napsal |
he drove | řídil |
he loved | miloval |
he gave | dal |
he smiled | smál se |
he took | vzal |
we spoke | (my) jsme mluvili |
we wrote | (my) jsme napsali |
we drove | (my) jsme jeli |
we loved | (my) jsme (se) milovali |
we gave | (my) jsme dali |
we smiled | (my) jsme se usmáli |
we took | (my) jsme vzali |
Future | Budoucí čas |
I will speak | Budu mluvit |
I will write | Budu psát |
I will drive | Budu řídit |
I will love | Budu tě milovat |
I will give | Dám |
I will smile | Budu se smát |
I will take | Vezmu |
he will speak | (on) bude mluvit |
he will write | (on) bude psát |
he will drive | (on) bude řídit |
he will love | on bude milovat |
he will give | (on) dá |
he will smile | (on) se bude smát |
he will take | (on) vezme |
we will speak | budeme mluvit |
we will write | budeme psát |
we will drive | budeme řídit |
we will love | budeme milovat |
we will give | dáme |
we will smile | budeme se smát |
we will take | budeme mít |
Present | Přítomný čas |
I speak | (já) mluvím |
I write | (já) píšu |
I drive | (já) jedu |
I love | (já) miluji |
I give | (já) dávám |
I smile | (já) se směju |
I take | (já) beru |
he speaks | (on) mluví |
he writes | (on) píše |
he drives | (on) jede |
he loves | (on) miluje |
he gives | (on) dává |
he smiles | (on) se usmívá |
he takes | (on) bere |
we speak | Mluvíme |
we write | píšeme |
we drive | jedeme |
we love | milujeme |
we give | dáváme |
we smile | usmíváme se |
we take | bereme |
Notice the structure of the Verbs in Czech.
Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Czech placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Czech vocabulary.
English Verbs | Czech Verbs |
I can accept that | Jsem schopen akceptovat, že |
she added it | dodala to |
we admit it | připouštíme to |
they advised him | radili mu |
I can agree with that | Mohu s tím souhlasit |
she allows it | ona to umožňuje |
we announce it | oznamujeme to |
I can apologize | Mohu omluvit |
she appears today | ona se dnes objeví |
they arranged that | jsou uspořádány tak, aby |
I can arrive tomorrow | Mohu přijet zítra |
she can ask him | Může se ho zeptat |
she attaches that | Dodala, že |
we attack them | jsme na ně útočili |
they avoid her | oni se jí vyhýbají |
I can bake it | umím to upéci |
she is like him | Ona je jako on |
we beat it | jsme to přemohli |
they became happy | stali se šťastnými |
I can begin that | Mohu začít, |
we borrowed money | vypůjčili jsme si peníze |
they breathe air | dýchají vzduch |
I can bring it | mohu to přinést |
I can build that | mohu to postavit |
she buys food | ona kupuje jídlo |
we calculate it | spočítáme to |
they carry it | nesou to |
they don't cheat | oni nepodvádějí |
she chooses him | ona ho zvolí |
we close it | zavíráme to |
he comes here | přijde sem |
I can compare that | Mohu porovnávat, že |
she competes with me | Soutěží se mnou |
we complain about it | my si na to stěžujeme |
they continued reading | oni pokračovali ve čtení |
he cried about that | zakřičel o tom |
I can decide now | mohu teď rozhodnout |
she described it to me | Popsala mi to |
we disagree about it | nesouhlasíme s tím |
they disappeared quickly | (oni) rychle zmizeli |
I discovered that | Zjistila jsem, že |
she dislikes that | nesnáší to, že |
we do it | děláme to |
they dream about it | sní o tom |
I earned | vydělal jsem |
he eats a lot | Jí hodně |
we enjoyed that | užili jsme si, že |
they entered here | vešli sem |
he escaped that | utekl, že |
I can explain that | Umím vysvětlit, že |
she feels that too | ona to cítí také |
we fled from there | (my) jsme odtud utekli |
they will fly tomorrow | POletí zítra |
I can follow you | mofu tě následovat |
she forgot me | zapomněla na mne |
we forgive him | odpouštíme mu |
I can give her that | mohu jí dát, že |
she goes there | (ona) jde tam |
we greeted them | pozdravili jsme se s nimi |
I hate that | nenávidím to, že |
I can hear it | Slyším to |
she imagine that | (ona) si představuje |
we invited them | Pozvali jsme je |
I know him | Znám ho |
she learned it | (ona) se to naučila |
we leave now | odcházíme nyní |
they lied about him | lhali o něm |
I can listen to that | Mohu poslouchat, že |
she lost that | ztratila, že |
we made it yesterday | udělali jsme to včera |
they met him | (oni) ho potkali |
I misspell that | nesprávně píšu, že |
I always pray | vždy se modlím |
she prefers that | (ona) dává přednost tomu, že |
we protected them | (my) jsme je chránili |
they will punish her | potrestají ji |
I can put it there | mohu to tam dát |
she will read it | (ona) to bude číst |
we received that | (my) jsme dostali, že |
they refuse to talk | odmítají mluvit |
I remember that | Pamatuji si, že |
she repeats that | (ona) opakuje, že |
we see it | vidíme to |
they sell it | prodávají to |
I sent that yesterday | Poslal jsem to včera |
he shaved his beard | oholil si vousy |
it shrunk quickly | zmenšilo se to rychle |
we will sing it | budem to zpívat |
they sat there | seděli tam |
I can speak it | |
she spends money | ona utrácí peníze |
we suffered from that | trpěli jsme v důsledku toho |
they suggest that | naznačují, že |
I surprised him | překvapil jsem ho |
she took that | vzala to, že |
we teach it | učíme to |
they told us | Řekli nám, |
she thanked him | Poděkovala mu |
I can think about it | Můžu o tom přemýšlet |
she threw it | vrhla to |
we understand that | Chápeme, že |
they want that | Chtějí, aby |
I can wear it | mohu to nosit |
she writes that | píše, že |
we talk about it | mluvíme o tom |
they have it | mají to |
I watched it | Sledoval jsem to |
I will talk about it | Budu o tom mluvit |
he bought that yesterday | koupil to včera |
we finished it | dokončili jsme to |
Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Czech. Once you're done with Czech Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Czech lessons here: Learn Czech. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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