Croatian Verbs

If you're trying to learn Croatian Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Croatian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Croatian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Croatian Verbs

Learning the Croatian Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Croatian verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Here are some examples:

English VerbsCroatian Verbs
I spokeRazgovarao sam
I wroteNapisao sam
I droveVozio sam
I lovedVoljela sam
I gaveDao sam
I smiledNasmiješio sam se
I tookUzeo sam
he spokeon je govorio
he wroteon je napisao
he droveon je vozio
he lovedon je volio
he gaveon je dao
he smiledon se nasmiješio
he tookon je uzeo
we spokerazgovarali smo
we wrotepisali smo
we drovevozili smo
we lovedvoljeli smo
we gavedali smo
we smiledsmiješili smo se
we tookuzeli smo
I will speakJa ću govoriti
I will writeJa ću pisati
I will driveJa ću voziti
I will loveJa ću voljeti
I will giveJa ću dati
I will smileJa ću se smiješiti
I will takeJa ću uzeti
he will speakOn će govoriti
he will writeOn će pisati
he will driveOn će voziti
he will loveOn će voljeti
he will giveOn će dati
he will smileOn će se smiješiti
he will takeOn će uzeti
we will speakmi ćemo govoriti
we will writemi ćemo pisati
we will drivemi ćemo voziti
we will lovemi ćemo voljeti
we will givemi ćemo dati
we will smilemi ćemo se nasmiještiti
we will takemi ćemo uzeti
I speakJa govorim
I writeJa pišem
I driveJa vozim
I loveJa volim
I giveJa dajem
I smileJa se smiješim
I takeJa uzimam
he speakson govori
he writeson piše
he driveson vozi
he loveson voli
he giveson daje
he smileson se smiješi
he takeson uzima
we speakmi govorimo
we writemi pišemo
we drivemi vozimo
we lovemi volimo
we givemi dajemo
we smilemi se smiješimo
we takemi uzimamo

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Croatian.

List of Verbs in Croatian

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Croatian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Croatian vocabulary.

English VerbsCroatian Verbs
I can accept thatMogu to prihvatiti
she added itOna je to dodala
we admit itPriznajemo to
they advised himsavjetovali su ga
I can agree with thatMogu se složiti s tim
she allows itona to dopušta
we announce itObjavili smo to
I can apologizeMogu se ispričati
she appears todayOna dolazi danas
they arranged thatOni su to dogovorili
I can arrive tomorrowJa mogu stići sutra
she can ask himona ga može pitati
she attaches thatona prilaže to
we attack themnapadamo ih
they avoid herizbjegavaju nju
I can bake itmogu to ispeći
she is like himona je poput njega
we beat itistukli smo to
they became happypostali su sretni
I can begin thatmogu to početi
we borrowed moneyposudili smo novce
they breathe airdišu zrak
I can bring itmogu donijeti to
I can build thatmogu to sagraditi
she buys foodona kupuje hranu
we calculate itračunamo to
they carry itoni ga nose
they don't cheatoni ne varaju
she chooses himona bira njega
we close itzatvaramo to
he comes hereon dolazi ovamo
I can compare thatmogu to usporediti
she competes with meon se natječe sa mnom
we complain about itžalimo se na to
they continued readingoni i dalje čitaju
he cried about thaton je plakao zbog toga
I can decide nowJa mogu odlučiti sada
she described it to meopisala mi je to
we disagree about itne slažemo se oko toga
they disappeared quicklybrzo su nestali
I discovered thatotkrio sam to
she dislikes thatona ne voli to
we do itmi to radimo
they dream about itoni sanjaju o tome
I earnedzaradio sam
he eats a loton jede puno
we enjoyed thatuživali smo u tome
they entered hereoni su ušli ovdje
he escaped thaton je pobjegao odatle
I can explain thatmogu objasniti to
she feels that tooona to isto osjeća
we fled from thereodletjeli smo odatle
they will fly tomorrowoni će letjeti sutra
I can follow youmogu te pratiti
she forgot mezaboravila me
we forgive himopraštamo mu
I can give her thatmogu joj to dati
she goes thereona ide tamo
we greeted themsmo ih dočekali
I hate thatMrzim to
I can hear itmogu to čuti
she imagine thatona zamišlja da
we invited thempozvali smo ih
I know himPoznajem ga
she learned itona je to naučila
we leave nowsada odlazimo
they lied about himlagali su o njemu
I can listen to thatmogu to slušati
she lost thatizgubila je to
we made it yesterdaynapravili smo to jučer
they met himsreli smo ga
I misspell thatpogrešno sam napisao
I always prayuvijek se molim
she prefers thatona više voli to
we protected themmi smo ih štitili
they will punish heroni će je kazniti
I can put it theremogu to ovdje staviti
she will read itona će to pročitati
we received thatprimili smo to
they refuse to talkodbijaju razgovarati
I remember thatsjećam se toga
she repeats thatona to ponavlja
we see itvidimo to
they sell itoni prodaju to
I sent that yesterdayposlao sam to jučer
he shaved his beardon je obrijao bradu
it shrunk quicklysmanjilo se brzo
we will sing itmi ćemo to pjevati
they sat theresjedili su tamo
I can speak itmogu to reći
she spends moneyona troši novac
we suffered from thatpatili smo od toga
they suggest thatpredložili su to
I surprised himiznenadio sam ga
she took thatuzela je to
we teach itučimo to
they told usrekli su nam
she thanked himona mu je zahvalila
I can think about itmogu razmisliti o tome
she threw itona je to bacila
we understand thatrazumijemo to
they want thatoni žele to
I can wear itmogu to obući
she writes thatona piše to
we talk about itgovorimo o tome
they have itimaju ga
I watched itgladao sam to
I will talk about itJa ću govoriti o tome
he bought that yesterdaykupio je to jučer
we finished itzavršili smo to

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Croatian. Once you're done with Croatian Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Croatian lessons here: Learn Croatian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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