Catalan Verbs

If you're trying to learn Catalan Verbs which is also called Català, check our courses about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Catalan grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Catalan. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Catalan Verbs

Learning the Catalan Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Catalan verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Grammar Tips:

Verbs in Catalan are organised in 3 types of conjugation depending on the ending of the infinitive form:

1st conjugation: -ar (e.g.: cantar, to sing)

2nd conjugation: -er or –re (e.g.: perdre, to lose)

3rd conjugation: ir (e.g.: servir, to serve, and sentir, to hear, to feel)

-       Present Tense

In Catalan, verbs take the following endings, with variations according to the conjugation, to form the present tense:

jo -o, tu -s, ell/a ø, nosaltres -m, vosaltres -u, ells/es -en. Example:

1st conjugation

(jo) canto

(tu) cantes

(ell/a) canta

(nosaltres) cantem

(vosaltres) canteu

(ells/es) canten

2nd conjugation

(jo) perdo

(tu) perds

(ell/a) perd

(nosaltres) perdem

(vosaltres) perdeu

(ells/es) perden

3rd conjugation –a

(jo) serveixo

(tu) serveixes

(ell/a) serveix

(nosaltres) servim

(vosaltres) serviu

(ells/es) serveixen

3rd conjugation –b

(jo) sento

(tu) sents

(ell/a) sent

(nosaltres) sentim

(vosaltres) sentiu

(ells/es) senten

As you can see, the verbs in the 3rd conjugation –a, which are the most common type in the 3rd conjugation, add –eix– to their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd plural persons.

These endings can help you a lot, because, once you know the conjugation of the verb, they will allow you to conjugate most of verbs into the present tense.

-       Past Tense

In Catalan as well as in English the past tense is used to describe past events. There are three main kinds of past tense: the imperfect tense, the preterite tense and the present perfect tense. The imperfect tense is used to describe actions that started in the past and might not have finished, descriptions in the past, relatively long actions or habits. The preterite tense is used to describe actions that have already finished. Finally, the present perfect tense is used to describe actions that started in the past and last until the present or that have finished in a period that has not finished yet (today, this week, this month, this year).

Imperfect tense:

1st conjugation

(jo) cantava

(tu) cantaves

(ell/a) cantava

(nosaltres) cantàvem

(vosaltres) cantàveu

(ells/es) cantaven

2nd conjugation

(jo) perdia

(tu) perdies

(ell/a) perdia

(nosaltres) perdíem

(vosaltres) perdíeu

(ells/es) perdien

3rd conjugation –a and -b

(jo) servia

(tu) servies

(ell/a) servia

(nosaltres) servíem

(vosaltres) servíeu

(ells/es) servien

Example: Quan era petit, cantava en una coral (As a little boy, I used to sing in a choir).

Preterite tense:

Although there are two kinds of preterite tense in Catalan, the simple and the periphrastic tense, the simple tense is mainly only used in highly formal or literary texts. The periphrastic tense, which is considered standard, is built with an auxiliary form of the present of the verb anar (to go) and the infinitive of the verb. In this case, there is no difference in the conjugations. E.g.:

(jo) vaig cantar

(tu) vas/vares cantar

(ell/a) va cantar

(nosaltres) vam/vàrem cantar

(vosaltres) vau/vàreu cantar

(ells/es) van/varen cantar

Example: Fa tres dies, el Barça va perdre contra el Madrid (Three days ago, FC Barcelona lost against Real Madrid).

Present perfect:

The present perfect is built with a specific form of the present of the auxiliary verb haver and the past participle of the verb. In this case, too, there is no difference in the conjugations. E.g.:

(jo) he cantat

(tu) has cantat

(ell/a) ha cantat

(nosaltres) hem cantat

(vosaltres) heu cantat

(ells/es) han cantat

Example: Avui m’he llevat a les 6 (I got up at 6 today).

-       Future Tense

Forming the future in Catalan is very easy, just use the whole infinitive verb plus these following ending: jo , tu -às, ell/a , nosaltres -em, vosaltres -eu, ells/es –an. E.g.:

(jo) cantaré

(tu) cantaràs

(ell/a) cantarà

(nosaltres) cantarem

(vosaltres) cantareu

(ells/es) cantaran

In the case of verbs from the 2nd conjugation ending in –re, you just need to add the same endings and omit the last vowel. Example:

(jo) perdré

(tu) perdràs

(ell/a) perdrà

(nosaltres) perdrem

(vosaltres) perdreu

(ells/es) perdran

This means that, in general, you don’t have to worry about the stem of a verb, just take it as an infinitive and add the future endings to it.

Here are some examples:

English VerbsCatalan Verbs
I spokejo parlava
I wrotejo escrivia
I drovejo conduïa
I lovedjo estimava
I gavejo donava
I smiledjo somreia
I tookjo prenia
he spokeell parlava
he wroteell escrivia
he droveell conduïa
he lovedell estimava
he gaveell donava
he smiledell somreia
he tookell prenia
we spokenosaltres parlavem
we wrotenosaltres escrivíem
we drovenosaltres conduíem
we lovednosaltres estimavem
we gavenosaltres donavem
we smilednosaltres somrèiem
we tooknosaltres preníem
I will speakjo parlaré
I will writejo escriuré
I will drivejo conduiré
I will loveEstimaré
I will giveDonaré
I will smilejo somriuré
I will takePrendré
he will speakell parlarà
he will writeell escriurà
he will driveell conduirà
he will loveell estimarà
he will giveell donarà
he will smileell somriurà
he will takeell prendrà
we will speaknosaltres parlarem
we will writenosaltres escriurem
we will drivenosaltres conduirem
we will lovenosaltres estimarem
we will givenosaltres donarem
we will smilenosaltres somriurem
we will takenosaltres prendrem
I speakjo parlo
I writejo escric
I drivejo condueixo
I lovejo estimo
I givejo dono
I smilejo somric
I takejo prenc
he speaksell parla
he writesell escriu
he drivesell condueix
he lovesell estima
he givesell dóna
he smilesell somriu
he takesell pren
we speaknosaltres parlem
we writenosaltres escrivim
we drivenosaltres conduïm
we lovenosaltres estimem
we givenosaltres donem
we smilenosaltres somriem
we takenosaltres prenem

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Catalan.

List of Verbs in Catalan

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Catalan placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Catalan vocabulary.

English VerbsCatalan Verbs
I can accept that(jo) puc acceptar això/puc acceptar-ho
she added it(ella) va afegir-ho
we admit it(nosaltres) ho admetem
they advised him(ells) el van avisar
I can agree with that(jo) puc estar d'acord amb això/estar-hi d'acord
she allows itella ho permet
we announce it(nosaltres) ho anunciem
I can apologizeJo puc demanar disculpes
she appears today(ella) apareix avui
they arranged that(ells) van (varen) disposar que/disposar-ho/disposar això
I can arrive tomorrowPuc arribar demà
she can ask himella pot demanar-li
she attaches that(ella) destaca que/això/ho destaca
we attack them(nosaltres) els ataquem
they avoid her(ells) la eviten
I can bake it(jo) ho puc fornejar
she is like himella és com ell
we beat it(nosaltres) ho batem
they became happy(ells) van (varen) ser feliços
I can begin that(jo) ho puc començar/puc començar-ho/puc començar això
we borrowed money(nosaltres) vam (vàrem) prestar diners
they breathe air(ells) respiren aire
I can bring it(jo) ho puc portar/puc portar-ho
I can build that(jo) ho puc construir/puc construir-ho/construir això
she buys food(ella ) compra aliments
we calculate it(nosaltres) ho calculem
they carry it(ells) ho porten
they don't cheat(ells) no fan trampes
she chooses him(ella) el tria
we close it(nosaltres) ho tanquem
he comes here(ell) ve aquí
I can compare that(jo) puc comparar-ho/això/ho puc comparar
she competes with me(ella) competeix amb mi
we complain about it(nosaltres) ens en queixem
they continued reading(ells) van (varen) continuant llegint
he cried about that(ell) en va plorar
I can decide nowJo puc decidir ara
she described it to meella m'ho va descriure
we disagree about itno estem d'acord en això
they disappeared quicklyvan desaparèixer ràpidament
I discovered thatVaig descobrir que
she dislikes thatno li agrada que
we do itho fem
they dream about it(ells) en somien
I earnedVaig obtenir
he eats a lot(ell) menja molt
we enjoyed that(nosaltres) en vam (vàrem) gaudir
they entered here(ells) van (varen) entrar aquí
he escaped that(ell) s'en va escapar
I can explain that(jo) ho puc explicar/explicar-ho/això
she feels that too(ella) també ho sent
we fled from there(nosaltres) vam (vàrem) fugir d'allà
they will fly tomorrowvolaran demà
I can follow you(jo) et (el) (us) puc seguir
she forgot meella em va oblidar
we forgive himel perdonem
I can give her that(jo) li puc donar això/puc donar-li/puc donar-l'hi
she goes there(ella) hi va
we greeted them(nosaltres) els vam (vàrem) saludar/acollir/rebre
I hate that(jo) ho odio/odio això
I can hear it(jo) ho puc escoltar (sentir)/puc escoltar-ho(sentir-ho)
she imagine that(ella) s'imagina això/s'ho imagina
we invited them(nosaltres) els vam (vàrem) convidar
I know himJo el conec
she learned it(ella) ho va aprendre
we leave now(nosaltres) marxem ara
they lied about him(ells) van (varen) mentir sobre ell
I can listen to that(jo) puc escoltar(sentir)-ho/escoltar(sentir) això
she lost that(ella) ho va perdre/va perdre-ho/va perdre això
we made it yesterday(nosaltres) ho vam fer ahir
they met himes van trobar amb ell
I misspell that(jo) ho lletrejo malament/lletrejo malament això
I always praySempre reso
she prefers that(ella) ho prefereix/prefereix això
we protected them(nosaltres) els protegiem
they will punish her(ells) la castigaran
I can put it there(jo) ho puc posar(col·locar) allà/puc posar-ho/col·locar-ho
she will read it(ella) ho llegirà
we received that(nosaltres) ho hem rebut/hem rebut això
they refuse to talkes neguen a parlar
I remember that(jo) ho recordo/recordo això
she repeats that(ella) ho reitera(repeteix)/reitera(repeteix) això
we see itho veiem
they sell it(ells) ho venen
I sent that yesterday(jo) ho vaig enviar ahir/vaig enviar-ho ahir/vaig enviar això ahir
he shaved his beardes va afaitar la barba
it shrunk quicklyes va reduir ràpidament
we will sing it(nosaltres) ho cantarem
they sat there(ells) van (varen) seure allà
I can speak it(jo) puc parlar-ho
she spends moneyes gasta els diners
we suffered from that(nosaltres) ho hem patit
they suggest thatsuggereixen que
I surprised him(jo) el vaig sorprendre
she took that(ella) va agafar-ho/ho va agafar/va agagar això
we teach it(nosaltres) ho ensenyem
they told usens van dir
she thanked him(ella) li va agraïr (a ell)
I can think about itPuc pensar-hi
she threw it(ella) ho va llançar
we understand that(nosaltres) ho entenem
they want that(ells) ho volen/volen això
I can wear it(jo) puc vestir-ho/portar-ho/ho puc vestir/ho puc portar
she writes that(ella) ho escriu/escriu això
we talk about it(nosaltres) en parlem
they have it(ells) ho tenen
I watched it(jo) ho vaig veure
I will talk about it(jo) en parlaré
he bought that yesterday(ell) ho va comprar ahir/va comprar-ho ahir/va comprar això ahir
we finished it(nosaltres) ho vam(vàrem) acabar/vam(vàrem)acabar-ho

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Catalan. Once you're done with the Català Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Catalan lessons here: Learn Catalan. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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