If you're trying to learn Bosnian Phrases you will find some useful resources including a course about phrases and daily expressions... to help you with your Bosnian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Bosnian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Bosnian Phrases displayed below is vital to the language. Bosnian phrases are a group of words functioning as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. Here are some examples:
English Phrases | Bosnian Phrases |
Phrases | |
hello | halo |
bye | bok |
congratulations | čestitke |
sorry | žalostan |
really | stvarno |
Notice the structure of the Phrases in Bosnian.
Below is a list of the phrases and daily expressions in Bosnian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Bosnian vocabulary.
English Phrases | Bosnian Phrases |
a green tree | zelena stabla |
a tall building | visokih zgrada |
a very old man | vrlo star čovjek |
the old red house | stara crvena kuća |
a very nice friend | jako lijepo prijatelju |
I read a book sometimes | Pročitao sam knjigu ponekad |
I will never smoke | Nikada neću pušiti |
are you alone? | are you alone? |
my car | moj auto |
green car | zeleni automobil |
three cars | tri automobila |
car garage | auto garaža |
outside the car | izvan automobila |
my book | moja knjiga |
my books | mojih knjiga |
our daughter | naša kćer |
our daughters | naše kćeri |
I'm cold | Ja sam hladna |
we're cold | mi smo hladni |
his chickens | mu kokoši |
their chicken | njihov piletine |
he is happy | on je sretan |
she is happy | ona je sretna |
he is American | on je američki |
she is American | ona je američki |
I can accept that | Ja mogu prihvatiti da |
she added it | ona je, dodaje se |
we admit it | mi to priznati |
they advised him | su ga savjetovali |
I can agree with that | Ja mogu složiti s tim |
she allows it | ona to dopušta |
we announce it | smo ga objaviti |
I can apologize | Mogu se ispričavam |
she appears today | ona se pojavljuje danas |
they arranged that | Dogovoreno je da oni |
I can arrive tomorrow | Ja mogu stići sutra |
she can ask him | ona može ga pitati |
she attaches that | ona pridaje da je |
we attack them | smo ih napada |
they avoid her | izbjegavaju joj |
I can bake it | Ja mogu ispeći |
she is like him | ona je poput njega |
we beat it | smo ga tukli |
they became happy | postali su sretni |
I can begin that | Ja mogu početi da |
we borrowed money | smo posuđeni novac |
they breathe air | dišu zrak |
I can bring it | Ja mogu donijeti |
I can build that | Ja mogu graditi taj |
she buys food | ona kupuje hranu |
we calculate it | smo ga izračunati |
they carry it | oni ga nose |
they don't cheat | oni ne varati |
she chooses him | ona ga odabire |
we close it | mi to u neposrednoj blizini |
he comes here | dođe ovdje |
I can compare that | Ja mogu usporediti taj |
she competes with me | ona natječe sa mnom |
we complain about it | možemo žaliti što |
they continued reading | oni dalje čitanje |
he cried about that | On povika o tome |
I can decide now | Ja mogu odlučiti sada |
she described it to me | je to opisao mi |
we disagree about it | ne slažem se o tome |
they disappeared quickly | brzo su nestali |
I discovered that | Otkrio sam da |
she dislikes that | ona ne voli da se |
we do it | mi to radimo |
they dream about it | oni sanjaju o tome |
I earned | Sam zaradio |
he eats a lot | on jede puno |
we enjoyed that | uživali smo da je |
they entered here | su ušli ovdje |
he escaped that | on je pobjegao da se |
I can explain that | Ja mogu objasniti da |
she feels that too | osjeća da je previše |
we fled from there | smo pobjegli od tamo |
they will fly tomorrow | oni će letjeti sutra |
I can follow you | Mogu li pratiti |
she forgot me | ona mi je zaboravio |
we forgive him | mi mu oprosti |
I can give her that | Ja mogu dati da joj |
she goes there | ona ide tamo |
we greeted them | smo ih dočekali |
I hate that | Mrzim to |
I can hear it | Ja mogu čuti |
she imagine that | zamislite da je ona |
we invited them | smo ih pozvali |
I know him | Poznajem ga |
she learned it | ona to saznala |
we leave now | mi ostavite sada |
they lied about him | oni lagao o njemu |
I can listen to that | Ja mogu slušati da |
she lost that | da je izgubila |
we made it yesterday | smo ga jučer |
they met him | su ga susreli |
I misspell that | I da je pogrešno napisati |
I always pray | Ja uvijek moliti |
she prefers that | ona preferira da |
we protected them | mi ih je štitio |
they will punish her | oni će ju kazniti |
I can put it there | Ja mogu staviti tu |
she will read it | ona će ga pročitati |
we received that | smo dobili da je |
they refuse to talk | ne žele razgovarati |
I remember that | Sjećam se da |
she repeats that | ona ponavlja da |
we see it | ga mi vidimo |
they sell it | oni ga prodati |
I sent that yesterday | Poslala sam da je jučer |
he shaved his beard | on je obrijao bradu |
it shrunk quickly | je smanjila brzo |
we will sing it | ćemo je pjevati |
they sat there | Sjedili su |
I can speak it | Ja mogu govoriti |
she spends money | ona potroši novac |
we suffered from that | smo da je patio od |
they suggest that | Oni sugeriraju da |
I surprised him | Sam ga iznenadio |
she took that | je uzeo |
we teach it | smo ga naučiti |
they told us | su nam rekli |
she thanked him | Ona mu je zahvalio |
I can think about it | Ja mogu misliti o tome |
she threw it | ona bacila |
we understand that | mi razumijemo da |
they want that | oni žele da se |
I can wear it | Ja mogu nositi |
she writes that | piše da je ona |
we talk about it | govorimo o tome |
they have it | su ga |
I watched it | Ja ga gledao |
I will talk about it | Ja ću govoriti o tome |
he bought that yesterday | je da je jučer kupio |
we finished it | mi to završiti |
inside the house | u kući |
outside the car | izvan automobila |
with me | sa mnom |
without him | bez njega |
under the table | ispod stola |
after tomorrow | poslije sutra |
before sunset | prije zalaska sunca |
but I'm busy | ali ja sam zauzet |
he is not here | Nije ovdje |
that is not my book | to nije moja knjiga |
do not enter | ne ulaze |
where is he? | gdje je on? |
what is this? | Što je to? |
why are you sad? | Zašto si tužna? |
how do you want to pay? | Kako želite da platite? |
can I come? | Mogu li doći? |
is he sleeping? | on spava? |
do you know me? | Odakle me poznaješ? |
do you have my book? | imate moje knjige? |
how big is it? | koliko je velik je to? |
can I help you? | mogu li vam pomoći? |
can you help me? | Možete li mi pomoći? |
do you speak English? | Govorite li engleski? |
how far is this? | koliko je ovo? |
what time is it? | Koliko je sati? |
how much is this? | koliko je to? |
what is your name? | Kako se zovete? |
where do you live? | gdje živite? |
Phrases and daily expressions have a very important role in Bosnian. Once you're done with the Bosniac Phrases, you might want to check the rest of our Bosnian lessons here: Learn Bosnian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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