If you're trying to learn Basque Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Basque grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Basque. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Learning the Basque Verbs is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Basque language. But first we need to know what the role of Verbs is in the structure of the grammar in Basque.
Basque verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Here are some examples:
English Verbs | Basque Verbs |
Verbs | aditzak |
Past | lehenaldia |
I spoke | hitz egin nuen |
I wrote | idatzi nuen |
I drove | gidatu nuen |
I loved | maite nuen |
I gave | eman nion |
I smiled | barre egin nuen |
I took | hartu nuen |
he spoke | hitz egin zuen |
he wrote | idatzi zuen |
he drove | gidatu zuen |
he loved | maite zuen |
he gave | eman zuen |
he smiled | irribarre egin zuen |
he took | hartu zuen |
we spoke | hitz egin genuen |
we wrote | idatzi genuen |
we drove | gidatu genuen |
we loved | maite genuen |
we gave | eman genuen |
we smiled | irribarre egin genuen |
we took | hartu genuen |
Future | Etorkizuna |
I will speak | hitz egingo dut |
I will write | idatziko dut |
I will drive | gidatuko dut |
I will love | maite egingo dut |
I will give | emango dut |
I will smile | irribarre egingo dut |
I will take | hartuko dut |
he will speak | hitz egingo du |
he will write | idatziko du |
he will drive | gidatuko du |
he will love | maite egingo du |
he will give | emango du |
he will smile | irribarre egingo du |
he will take | hartu egingo du |
we will speak | hitz egingo dugu |
we will write | idatzi egingo dugu |
we will drive | gidatu egingo dugu |
we will love | maite egingo dugu |
we will give | emango dizugu |
we will smile | irribarre egingo dugu |
we will take | hartuko dugu |
Present | orain aldia |
I speak | hitz egiten dut |
I write | idazten dut |
I drive | gidatzen dut |
I love | maitatzen dut |
I give | ematen dut |
I smile | irribarre egiten dut |
I take | hartzen dut |
he speaks | hitz egiten du |
he writes | idazten du |
he drives | gidatzen du |
he loves | maitatzen du |
he gives | ematen du |
he smiles | irribarre egiten du |
he takes | hartzen du |
we speak | hitz egiten dugu |
we write | idazten dugu |
we drive | gidatzen dugu |
we love | maitatzen dugu |
we give | ematen dugu |
we smile | irribarre egiten dugu |
we take | hartzen dugu |
Notice the structure of the Verbs in Basque.
Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Basque placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Basque vocabulary.
English Verbs | Basque Verbs |
I can accept that | hori onartu ahal dut |
she added it | erantsi zuen |
we admit it | aitortzen dugu |
they advised him | gomendatu zioten |
I can agree with that | horrekin ados nago |
she allows it | onartu egiten du |
we announce it | iragartzen dugu |
I can apologize | barkamena eskatu ahal dut |
she appears today | gaur agertu da |
they arranged that | hori hitzartu dute |
I can arrive tomorrow | bihar iritsi ahal naiz |
she can ask him | berari eskatu ahal dio |
she attaches that | hori erantsi du |
we attack them | erasotu genituen |
they avoid her | bera saihestu zuten |
I can bake it | labekatu ahal dut |
she is like him | bera bezalaakoa da |
we beat it | irabazi genuen |
they became happy | zoriontsu izan ziren |
I can begin that | hori has dezaket |
we borrowed money | dirua maileguan hartu genuen |
they breathe air | airea arnasten dute |
I can bring it | eraman ahal dut |
I can build that | hori eraiki dezaket |
she buys food | janaria erosten du |
we calculate it | kalkulatu dugu |
they carry it | eramaten dute |
they don't cheat | ez dute kopiatzen |
she chooses him | bera aukeratzen du |
we close it | itxi dugu |
he comes here | hona dator |
I can compare that | horrekin alderatu ahal dut |
she competes with me | nirekin lehiatzen du |
we complain about it | horri buruz kexatu gara |
they continued reading | irakurtzen jarraitu zuten |
he cried about that | horri buuz oihukatu zuen |
I can decide now | orain erabaki ahal dut |
she described it to me | deskribatu egin zuen |
we disagree about it | ez gaude ados |
they disappeared quickly | arin desagertu ziren |
I discovered that | hori aurkitu nuen |
she dislikes that | hori ez zaio gustatzen |
we do it | egiten dugu |
they dream about it | horri buruz amets egiten dute |
I earned | irabazi nuen |
he eats a lot | asko jaten du |
we enjoyed that | hori gozatzen dugu |
they entered here | hemen sartu ziren |
he escaped that | ihes egin zuen |
I can explain that | hori azaldu ahal dut |
she feels that too | hori sentitzen du baita ere |
we fled from there | hortik ihes egin genuen |
they will fly tomorrow | hegan egingo dute bihar |
I can follow you | jarraitu ahal zaitut |
she forgot me | ahaztu egin ninduen |
we forgive him | hura barkatzen dugu |
I can give her that | hori eman ahal diot |
she goes there | bertara doa |
we greeted them | agurtu egin genituen |
I hate that | hori gorrotatzen dut |
I can hear it | hori entzun dezaket |
she imagine that | imaginatu egiten du |
we invited them | haiek gonbidatu genituen |
I know him | bera ezagutzen dut |
she learned it | hori ikasi zuen |
we leave now | bagoaz |
they lied about him | berari buruz gezurra esan zuten |
I can listen to that | hori entzun ahal dut |
she lost that | hori galdu zuen |
we made it yesterday | atzo egin genuen |
they met him | bera ezagutu zuten |
I misspell that | txarto idatzi nuen hori |
I always pray | otoitz egiten dut beti |
she prefers that | nahiago du hori |
we protected them | beraiek babeztu genituen |
they will punish her | bera zigortuko dute |
I can put it there | bertan jar dezaket |
she will read it | irakurri egingo du |
we received that | hori jaso genuen |
they refuse to talk | hitz egiteari ukatzen diote |
I remember that | hori gogoratzen dut |
she repeats that | hori errepikatzen du |
we see it | ikusten dugu |
they sell it | saldu egiten dute |
I sent that yesterday | atzo bialdu nuen |
he shaved his beard | bere bizarra moztu zuen |
it shrunk quickly | arin urperatu zen |
we will sing it | abestuko dugu |
they sat there | hor eseri ziren |
I can speak it | , hitz egin dezaket |
she spends money | dirua gastatzen du |
we suffered from that | hori dela eta, sufriarazten dugu |
they suggest that | hori gomendatzen dute |
I surprised him | ustekabean harrapatu nuen |
she took that | hori hartu zuen |
we teach it | hori irakasten dugu |
they told us | esan ziguten |
she thanked him | eskertu egin zion |
I can think about it | horri buruz pentsa dezaket |
she threw it | bota egin zuen |
we understand that | hori ulertzen dugu |
they want that | hori nahi dute |
I can wear it | eraman dezaket |
she writes that | hori idazten du |
we talk about it | horri buruz hitz egiten dugu |
they have it | hori daukate |
I watched it | ikusi nuen |
I will talk about it | horri buruz hitz egingo dut |
he bought that yesterday | atzo erosi zuen |
we finished it | hori amaitu genuen |
Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Basque. Once you're done with the Euskara Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Basque lessons here: Learn Basque. Don't forget to bookmark this page.
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